Moving Development Forward




Composting site expansion

Project Description: Development plan representations and planning applications

Project Status: Complete

Broster's Environmental Todmorden

expansion of existing composting site, todmorden

Since 2015, Dan has been retained to advise on the expansion of operations at an in-vessel composting site near Bacup, Lancashire. The site receives compostable green wastes and turns them into a range of agricultural and commercial end products such as fertiliser.

Through a programmed series of planning application submissions and prior notifications, he has been successful in helping to increase processing capacity from 75,000 to 125,000 tonnes per annum; as well as gaining permission for a new staff facilities and office building, improvements to odour control measures, additional handling  and HGV manoeuvring space and increasing operational hours.

Latterly, Dan secured permission to increase vehicle movements and allow 24/7 operations internally to the building. He has also been successful in securing an allocation in the draft emerging local plan for future expansion to 200,000 tonnes per annum and potential diversification and energy from waste.

To find out more about this project or ask if your waste site is eligible to use Prior Notification procedures and permitted development rights, please get in touch.